Auteur Sujet: HW7 : Cannon  (Lu 11325 fois)

Hors ligne JMM

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HW7 : Cannon
« le: 09 février 2005, 13:18:55 pm »

AVI showing a cannon in action.


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HW7 : Cannon
« Réponse #1 le: 09 février 2005, 14:14:26 pm »
Terrific video sequence JMM!  :D

To bad they missed the target, i.e. no casualties.  :P

/Lars L.
Lars L.

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HW7 : Cannon
« Réponse #2 le: 09 février 2005, 20:52:21 pm »
Or did they not miss?   I know that a battalion in this game cannot have a 1:1 representation with today's computers.  I am betting that there were two hits and we were just seeing the abstraction of the battalion and not the falling of casualties.

By the way,  it a great video JMM.
Vive l'Empereur!

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  • Comte d'Hanau
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HW7 : Cannon
« Réponse #3 le: 10 février 2005, 07:51:47 am »
...or the casualty management is not finished yet.  :wink:

/Lars L.
Lars L.

Hors ligne JMM

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HW7 : Cannon
« Réponse #4 le: 11 février 2005, 15:48:03 pm »
Bonjour Everybody  :)

Right Lars.. There are some animations showing the casualties.
In process today. I am trying an idea to get a better view of the causalty.
Idea is to modify the ratio 1:10 to 1:3 for each hit..
Theorically, the game must show 1 falling for 10 real one. No very good visual result.
If this process runs fine, Les Grognards will show 1 falling for 3, (maybe 1:2) for a better visual effect.


Hors ligne Ziem

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HW7 : Cannon
« Réponse #5 le: 15 février 2005, 17:45:12 pm »
Like it very much....

Small question. Is it me or is the cannon sound a bit too heavy? I reduced my bass level on my boxes but still it gives a rather deformed sound.


Z. :)
"Dramatic fellows these French,. Music and banners, quite beautiful. " lord Wellington at Waterloo.

Hors ligne JMM

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HW7 : Cannon
« Réponse #6 le: 16 février 2005, 08:36:06 am »
Hello Ziem,

Sorry but it's difficult to answer. It seems a lot of people find this sound right.
Maybe a trouble with your AVI sound driver?
By this way, the 12 pounds sound is very low.
Wait for the demo to play the real sound :wink:


Hors ligne Ziem

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HW7 : Cannon
« Réponse #7 le: 16 février 2005, 09:49:18 am »
Nah sound driver works fine. I better get used to it then.

Z. :)
"Dramatic fellows these French,. Music and banners, quite beautiful. " lord Wellington at Waterloo.

Hors ligne saddletank

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HW7 : Cannon
« Réponse #8 le: 23 avril 2005, 00:04:39 am »
Nice movie.

It seems to fire 2 shots very quickly, had you thought about slowing down the rate of fire? Nice to see some recoil as well, although I think there should be much more recoil than you depict (say a guns length) but extra bits all adds to the complexity.
Cheers, Martin

Hors ligne JMM

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HW7 : Cannon
« Réponse #9 le: 23 avril 2005, 00:49:47 am »
Bonjour et Bienvenue,

The game speed is variable.. There are 4 precise levels  : 6 secondes for 1 real minute to 30 secondes for 1 real minute.. So it's possible to re-play Austerlist with a variable time : around 1 hour to 5 hours..

Actually, the graphical engine works alone! ASAP, this engine will receive all orders from internal engine and the animation will be synchronised. But it's not easy.. why: Generally speaking, we know a 8 pounder fighted 2 times per minute.. For 6"/minute, the graphic engine only shows 1 shoot .. so it's not possible to display the 2 cycles.

There are some other constraints.. For example, it's not possible (in fact it's hard) to place the cannon on the corner of the square. Same thing for the recoil, and for some other behaviours...

So, I try to do the best.. but sometimes I don't know better than I do :D


Hors ligne saddletank

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HW7 : Cannon
« Réponse #10 le: 23 avril 2005, 00:54:06 am »
That explains a lot, I wasn't aware that there was a time variable built in. THanks for the reply.

I agree putting in a large recoil distance would mean much extra work, extra crew animations and so on.
Cheers, Martin

Hors ligne black_fish

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HW7 : Cannon
« Réponse #11 le: 25 avril 2005, 13:22:17 pm »
The amount of detail in those anims is unreal :)

Damn, I'm very impressed by the attention to detail. Excellent!

Some recoil would be nice ;)

Hors ligne Link

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HW7 : Cannon
« Réponse #12 le: 25 avril 2005, 17:18:23 pm »
From that angle the video is taken it looks like the cannon doesn't recoils much but from the side you clearly see the recoil. Not a whole guns length though as saddletank suggested.  

Take a look at this old avi. No visual effects at that time like smoke and wheels turning, but you see the recoil from a better angle:  :wink:

Lars L.
Lars L.