
But How???

Reading a magazine
2 (10.5%)
Through others forums
10 (52.6%)
Through others sites
5 (26.3%)
Using a search engine
1 (5.3%)
1 (5.3%)

Total des votants: 19

Vote clôturé: 13 avril 2004, 12:19:07 pm

Auteur Sujet: How?  (Lu 8502 fois)

Hors ligne JMM

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« le: 13 avril 2004, 12:19:07 pm »
The whys you’ve been directed to HistWar ?

Reading a magazine (french or english magazine)
Through others forums (Matrix Games, TC1861, GreatBattles...)
Through others sites (Matrix, GameSpot,...)
Using a search engine
Other… :?:

JMM (Translate by the Commander of Gods  8) )

Hors ligne Link

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« Réponse #1 le: 25 mai 2005, 12:43:28 pm »

For me I got a link about LGAA (then still under construction) at the Breakawaygames forum back in 2000/2001. There were not many Napoleonic games out there at that time so I jumped in to that game with great interest but was disappointed when I played it so it didn’t last very long on my HD.  :cry:  :oops:

However I kept visiting the Histwar site to see the upcoming games and read the forum about LGAA. Many negative threads were written but I was not one of those who wrote. I just silently agreed thinking that I did not whish to discourage JMM with negative feedback besides I didn’t really think anything would happen anyway so I didn’t bother. My mummy always told me that if you can’t say anything good don’t say anything at all.  :P

Boy, was I wrong! When information on Les Grognards came up for the first time 2002/2003 I realized that JMM had sucked up everything gamers had negatively wrote about the LGAA and implemented it in Les Grognards. This game is now my  first choice when it comes to Napoleonic games. :D

With lesson learned I know now it’s more supportive to give negative feedback than non at all.  :wink:

This poll is quit old so I don't think new forum members have said how they first got in touch with Les Grognards in particular and Histwar in general. Come on and make your voice heard.  8)

/Lars L.
Lars L.

Hors ligne Frédéric Walther

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« Réponse #2 le: 25 mai 2005, 17:48:13 pm »
It has taken one year to somebody to answer !

Good job Lars, you've dug it out from the graveyard...

In december 2002 : JMM has "hunted" me on a franco-french napoleonic forum (Ooops I don't even remember the name !).


PS : So Lars, how your son feels with the "big" book ?
Comte de l'Empire;Général de division Colonel majors des grenadiers à cheval de la Garde; Grand Aigle de la Légion d'honneur

Hors ligne Link

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« Réponse #3 le: 25 mai 2005, 18:21:26 pm »
Citation de: "Frédéric Walther"
It has taken one year to somebody to answer !

Good job Lars, you've dug it out from the graveyard...

In december 2002 : JMM has "hunted" me on a franco-french napoleonic forum (Ooops I don't even remember the name !).

 :lol: Actually I put my vote in there a year ago. I just bumped it so that new forum members can add to it.  :wink:  

If others would like to share their stories too it would be interesting.  :)  

/Lars L.

P.S. Fred, about the book. I think it's too heavy for him to carry around so it's not opened that much plus I don't want the pages to fall off.  :P
Lars L.

Hors ligne sunray

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« Réponse #4 le: 26 mai 2005, 00:19:11 am »
Hello All,

It's uncanny. My experience is almost exactly the same as 'link'. I have been following the game from an original inquiry to the website about LGAA. Only I never actually purchased LGAA. After playing the demo, I decided the graphics were not to the standard that I wished in a game, and the interface was not very user friendly. I kept the website address though, and over time kept checking back. And as time went on, was very pleasantly surprised.

I do not post a lot, unless I have something worth saying. But believe me, I check the site, and the forum, every day. In the games I wish to play, graphics, as well as gameplay are very important to me. About 50/50. It is probably just as important (especially in a Napoleonic game) that I can be like a real army commander, and have 'intellegent' lower level AI who I can trust to handle my regiments/brigades/divisions in an intellegent manner. And not continually having units just wander off, or just stand there while they are being outflanked, as was my experience everytime I had my attention on another part of the battlefield, while playing "Fields of Glory", or one of its many later model clones.

All I can say is "when are we going to have Histwar: Les Grognards???". We need it badly!!!


A very patient sunray
 :D  :D

Hors ligne Link

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« Réponse #5 le: 26 mai 2005, 07:36:28 am »

I believe there never was a demo for LGAA. It was against the publishers (Matrix) policy to have demos. It must have been the screenshots you saw. I might be wrong though. It was some time ago LGAA was released.  :?
I agree with you though. Graphics is quite important as it gives more a feel of reality and fun to the game plus you have a chance to admire the uniforms of the era.  :)

Picking up games is like dating. An ugly girl you don’t even give a chance (but it doesn’t have to be a top model either though).

A beautiful girl with "gameplay" that’s crap is not gonna last long.  8)

/Lars L
Lars L.

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« Réponse #6 le: 26 mai 2005, 09:20:43 am »

The first time I read somethink about Histwar is in a french magazine (PC4war n°1). I don't remember that between I see a link on PC4war's forum one year after. Since this day, I'm comming on this forum regulary.

Aïe... My english grammar is "catastrofic".


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« Réponse #7 le: 26 mai 2005, 11:43:03 am »
Lars dragged me in here from the Imperial Glory Eidos forum. I've seen the light! I'm saved! Hallelujiah!
Cheers, Martin

Hors ligne sunray

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« Réponse #8 le: 27 mai 2005, 01:18:42 am »

It is not important, but I'm sure you are wrong about the availability of a demo for LGAA. Unfortunatley, I have removed it from my hard drive a long time ago. But I can very clearly remember looking around the battle map and trying to position the camera so as not to choose the angle where the troops looked like card figures. And the game controls were very hard to handle. If you moved your camera in a particular direction, you seemed not to be going anywhere, and then all of a sudden you would go a million miles before you could stop. Although the details are becoming very fuzzy after all this time.

Anyway, I fully agree with you. Excellent graphics, with poor gameplay, mean nothing. And to me, excellent gameplay, with poor graphics, don't give me what I want. I would much prefer to have both excellent graphics, and gameplay. It looks like Histwar: Les Grognards is going to give us both.

I would love to be able to build my armies, in the composition of units that I choose, issue them orders as to where they had to go and what they had to do when they got there, watch them journey to their destination and deploy, and then be in command of the subsequent battles. While deciding what number and type of new units were to be raised at home. 'A Civil War' allowed me to do this, but the graphics for the battles and the stratergy map (and the AI) were primitive.


 :)  :)

Hors ligne JMM

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« Réponse #9 le: 27 mai 2005, 01:32:26 am »
Hi SunRay...

Citation de: "sunray"

It is not important, but I'm sure you are wrong about the availability of a demo for LGAA.

Lars is right.. I didn't make any demo.. but as you say.. it's not important...

Important is "to erase the defaults" and " to improve the graphics and the gameplay"
I think the way is right.. :arrow:  Patience..  :oops:

Best Regards  :wink:

Hors ligne Link

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« Réponse #10 le: 27 mai 2005, 08:23:52 am »
Sunray, you must have bought the game then.  :wink:

I don't have a problem with buying LGAA though. I look at it this way:
Every dollar spent on LGAA is a dollar plugged into Les Grognard.  :)

It looks like Les Grognards will have it all. good graphics, good gameplay and good user interface. Surely the best Napoleonic game ever made.  :D

/Lars L.
Lars L.

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« Réponse #11 le: 31 mai 2005, 15:51:29 pm »
Citation de: "Link"

........................It looks like Les Grognards will have it all. good graphics, good gameplay and good user interface. Surely the best Napoleonic game ever made.  :D

/Lars L.

Now, that is something to wait for.
Vive l'Empereur!