Auteur Sujet: Skirmishers in the game?  (Lu 5294 fois)

Hors ligne Guderian

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Skirmishers in the game?
« le: 10 janvier 2005, 01:34:14 am »
I just found out about this game and it looks extremely exciting. Can't wait to try it!

I have one question though: In the screenshots I can't see any skirmishers or tirailleurs. Are they in the game, or are they abstracted somehow? I'd love to see them on the screen since they were of course an extremely important part of Napoleonic tactics.

Best of luck and keep up the good work!

Hors ligne JMM

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Skirmishers in the game?
« Réponse #1 le: 10 janvier 2005, 02:03:08 am »
Bienvenue ...

I can't see any skirmishers or tirailleurs. Are they in the game, or are they abstracted somehow? I'd love to see them on the screen since they were of course an extremely important part of Napoleonic tactics.

Skirmishers are present in the game. Wait some days before seeing them.
Ie, for the french army, light and some line regiments can use 140 tirailleurs in front of their line (around 100 meters / 110 yards). There are special rules for the fighting.


PS : The cavalry can't use the skimishers.

Hors ligne Guderian

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Grandes Bandes
« Réponse #2 le: 10 janvier 2005, 19:19:51 pm »
Thanks for the reply! I'm glad to hear that the skirmishers will be in there.

I've read that the French sometimes used entire battalions or even regiments as skirmishers ("tirailleurs en grandes bandes") which gave them a big advantage on some occasions. Is this something that will be possible in the game, or will skirmishing be limited to one company per battalion?

Hors ligne Link

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Re: Grandes Bandes
« Réponse #3 le: 10 janvier 2005, 22:05:19 pm »
Citation de: "Guderian"
Thanks for the reply! I'm glad to hear that the skirmishers will be in there.

I've read that the French sometimes used entire battalions or even regiments as skirmishers ("tirailleurs en grandes bandes") which gave them a big advantage on some occasions. Is this something that will be possible in the game, or will skirmishing be limited to one company per battalion?

Hi Guderian,

According to what's been said about that matter on this forum before (I think 6 months ago) only one companay can be detached for skirmishing even for light infantry.

/Lars L.
Lars L.

Hors ligne Guderian

  • Soldat
  • Messages: 4
Skirmishers, cont.
« Réponse #4 le: 11 janvier 2005, 00:55:20 am »
Thanks for the reply Link.