HistWar (international zone) => Communities => Discussion démarrée par: AJ le 12 janvier 2011, 23:47:49 pm
A most glorious victory for our beloved Emperor. A fitting tribute to the extroadinary work of the Moddding team, thank you from all at NBC. :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
France = Aj, Oho and Grog
Allies = Gunner24 and DougieJ
The "Dynamic Duo" put up a spirited fight but the superiority of the outnumbered French Army decimated the Allies. A simple plan, putting a wedge between Wellington and Blucher, worked like a dream.
Marshall Oho with his Guard Corps, held the right and made mincemeat of both Wellington and Blucher. I nominate Oho for a Gong!!!!!
Marshal Grog arriving late with the lame excuse of reinstalling Xfire (he was in the Pub), held the Center then countered with a fine attack to the N west.
As for myself, D'Erlon with the help of Kellermans Cavalry rolled up the Allied right
Nice AAR, but i think the next time that allies will give more support on the east side.
Nice AAR, but i think the next time that allies will give more support on the east side.
No chance, with the heavy French presance Blucher can't deploy properly and the 10th Corp can't even get on the map
Beautiful victory my dear!!
I hope that soon we shall have the opportunity to play against your team.
We are ready and wait for your invitation... ;)